Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Civil Rights Act Of 1866 - 1403 Words
On April 19, 1866, the US Congress passed the first ever Civil Rights Act. It gave black Americans the right to own their own property, to have legal protection in business, and to take people to court. The act was also the first time that black Americans were called citizens of the United States. This meant that black Americans would have the same rights and privileges as all other US citizens. Another Civil Rights Act was passed in 1875. This act made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race in public places, such as restaurants. In 1883, the Supreme Court ruled that the 1875 act was unconstitutional on the basis that businesses had the right to choose which customers they served and which they could ignore. This allowed businesses that provided public facilities to choose to exclude black people. On June 1, 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed. It became the most important civil rights organization fighting for the rights o f black people in the United States. It is still active today and has a membership of about half a million. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court passed a judgment that changed the course of civil rights in the United States. In the case of Brown v. the Board of Education, the judges on the Supreme Court declared that racial segregation in education was unconstitutional and therefore against the law. This decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson case of 1896. Shortly after noon on Monday May 17,Show MoreRelatedThe Civil Right Act Of 18661520 Words  | 7 Pages Racial discrimination in granting rights and privilege between the veterans of white Americans and black African American is a major issue since seventeenth century. From the very beginning of America White Americans used to treat African Americans as slaves. Slavery in the United States began soon after English colonists first settled Virginia and lasted until the passage of the Civil Right Act of 1866. The nineteenth century saw a hardening of institutionalized racism and legalRead MoreThe Civil Rights Act Of 18661225 Words  | 5 PagesProclamation freed all slaves in the U.S. After the Civil War, the withdrawal of the federal troops from the south, and the Fourteenth Amendment was what they emancipated. The reconstruction lasted 12 years from 1871 until 1883 when the Supreme Court ruled the Civil Rights Cases in which some Acts were invalid because they addressed social as opposed to civil rights. Although Congress responded with legislation that led to the C ivil Rights Act of 1866, States kept on the books laws that continued theRead MoreProtecting Fundamental Rights Of Citizens888 Words  | 4 PagesProtecting Fundamental Rights of Citizens â€Å"A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury†(â€Å"Civil Rights†). In his article â€Å"To Begin the Nation Anew: Congress, Citizenship, and Civil Rights after the Civil War,†Robert J. Kaczorowski discusses the relationship between civil rights and the constitution laws of the 1860s. The federal government creating amendments and laws â€Å"that conferred on all Americans the preciousRead MoreSignificance Of The Reconstruction Act861 Words  | 4 Pages Reconstruction Acts – after the civil war four bills were passed by the United States Congress in 1867 in order to bring the country back together, providing the process and criteria that would allow the Southern states with the exception Tennessee, readmission into the Union. (Ohio Civil War Central, 2015) The significance of the Reconstruction act was the division of the south into five military districts; loyal freed male now allowed to vote, ex-confederate denied rights to hold office couldRead MoreThe Civil Rights Of The United States Essay1653 Words  | 7 Pagesfounding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), World War II, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and several supreme court cases, that African American finally achieved the right to vote3. Even after these several legal advancements and many different civil rights movements the playing field, after many attempts to be leveled out, was still uneven and the day by day struggles continued. Even today, 396 years later, there are still racial bias and inequalities towardRead MoreReconstruction : The Failure Of Reconstruction1529 Words  | 7 Pagesend. Reconstruction began in 1865 right after the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln created a plan for Reconstruction that called for Reconcilia tion. Abraham Lincoln believed that preserving the Union was way more important than punishing the South. On the other hand, Robert E. Lee urged southerners to reconcile with the North and reunite as Americans. Abraham Lincoln proposed the Ten Percent Plan which offered southerners amnesty, or official pardon, for all illegal acts supporting the rebellion. The southernersRead MoreChallenges Of Radical Reconstruction748 Words  | 3 PagesFollowing the end of the Civil War in 1865, the United States faced many political challenges. One of these challenges would include the reintegration of the Confederate states that had seceded from the Union. There were many questions and issues with exactly how these states should be reintegrated back into the United States. Another challenge that quickly came to the forefront, after the Civil War, was how to handle the millions of freed African American slaves. This challenge would entailRead MoreHow Important Was the Reconstruction Period of 1865-1877 in the Development of African American Civil Rights797 Words  | 4 PagesThe end of the civil war should’ve marked a major turning point for the position of African Americans. The north’s victory marked the end of slavery and in addition, the fourteenth and fifteenth amendment guaranteed African Americans full civil and political equality. However, the end of the civil war and the beginning of the reconstruction era was seen a ‘false dawn for the slaves in the former confederacy and border states. 1865 saw the creation of the freedman bureau to provide food, shelterRead MoreThe Legacy Of Lincoln And Andrew Johnson1017 Words  | 5 Pagesof Lincoln s policies prevailed the Congressional elections of 1866 in the North, which enabled the Radicals to take control of policy, remove former Confederates from power, and enfranchise the freedmen. In 1876 the presidential vote was veer confused and forcing the congress to make the final decision. Andrew Johnson announced plans of the Reconstruction which was referred his stanch unionism and his firm belief of states’ rights. President Johnson was an inept politician who lost all his advantagesRead MoreThe American Civil War helped to save the nation by rejoining Union Confederate and as result of800 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Civil War helped to save the nation by rejoining Union Confederate and as result of the Emancipation Proclamation, most African American slaves were declared freed men. However, during the American Reconstruction, the lack of political unity was still very apparent as the South saw Reconstruction as being defeated humiliatingly and thus sought vengeance through the slaves it had lose. Although many slaves did receive their freedom, Reconstruction caused an increase in the white supremacy
Monday, May 18, 2020
Animal Farm, By George Orwell - 1173 Words
The Evil Within Every ninety-eight seconds, an American is sexually assaulted; however, only six out of a thousand rapists will end up prison. Not only are evil actions being done, they are actions that go unpunished. Along with sexual assault, people choose actions like murder, torture, and even more mild offenses like lying. People may even seek pleasure from these activities. Climate change, political agendas, and intolerance across the globe are all examples of man-made problems that could have been avoided if humans weren’t fundamentally horrible. According to literary, historical and modern research, humans are generally violent and awful. According to George Orwell’s Animal Farm, people are the enemy of any other species. Creators†¦show more content†¦In the famous tragedy, Creon states, â€Å"An enemy is an enemy, even dead†(Sophocles). Sophocles gave Creon the fundamental characteristics to be considered the tragic hero of the story, with a tragic flaw of excessive pride. His pride caused the suicide or the death of his entire bloodline. Sophocles highlighted human flaws, and their effects, in Antigone. The Ku Klux Klan is another violent attestation to the savagery of society. The Ku Klux Klan was a racist and white supremacist organization that lived in two incarnations. The K.K.K. used terror, violence and illegal tactics to achieve its goals (Schroder). The Klan appeared in the late 1800’s and later in the 1910’s, both times they featured the same brutal stratagem and mass following. Murder, beatings, and even sexual assault were used to push their ideals. Not only did the Klan live in these periods, but also in a modern setting. Twenty-sixteen featured racist slander, and the acceptance of meme culture, which glorified the lynchings and raping of African-Americans. Meme culture is used to stereotype non-white races as drug users, and welfare receivers. The K.K.K. is still affecting modern culture whether it be a physical organization or a slight online influence. The Ku Klux Klan is an illustration of how horrible people can be. Using brutal tactics to push their agenda, the K.K.K. is proof of the twisted ways ofShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm And George Orwell By George Orwell1034 Words  | 5 Pages Eric Arthur Blair, under the pseudonym of George Orwell, composed many novels in his lifetime that were considered both politically rebellious and socially incorrect. Working on the dream since childhood, Orwell would finally gain notoriety as an author with his 1945 novel Animal Farm, which drew on personal experiences and deeply rooted fear to satirically critique Russian communism during its expansion. Noticing the impact he made, he next took to writing the novel 1984, which similarly criticizedRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1397 Words  | 6 PagesAn important quote by the influential author of Animal Farm, George Orwell, is, â€Å"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism.†George Orwell, a Democratic Socialist, wrote the book Animal Farm as an attack on the Communist country of Russia (â€Å"The Political Ideas of George Orwell,† He had a very strong disliking of Communism and the Socialist party of Russia. However, he insisted on finding the truthRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1545 Words  | 7 Pagesallow because an this elite institution of people often use this gear to dominate and oppress society. In George Orwell’s story, Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a device that can be used to at least one’s benefit. Living in a world where strength is a straightforward to benefit, the pigs quick use education to govern the relaxation of the animals on the farm to serve themselves worked to their advantage. This story in shows the underlying message that  firstRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell944 Words  | 4 Pageslegs(Orwell 132). He carried a whip in his trotter(Orwell 133). In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, animals have the ability to talk and form their own ethos, Animalism. Animal Farm is an intriguing allegory by George Orwell, who is also th e author of 1984, includes many enjoyable elements. More knowledge of the author, his use of allegorical elements, themes, symbols, and the significance in the real world, allows the reader to get more out of this glance into the future. George OrwellRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell876 Words  | 4 Pagesrebellious animals think no man means freedom and happiness, but they need to think again. The animals of Manor Farm rebel against the farm owner, Mr. Jones, and name it Animal Farm. The animals create Animalism, with seven commandments. As everything seems going well, two of the animals get into a rivalry, and things start changing. Food starts disappearing and commandments are changed, and the power begins to shift. Father of dystopian genre, George Orwell writes an interesting allegory, Animal FarmRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell1100 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: Widely acknowledged as a powerful allegory, the 1945 novella Animal Farm, conceived from the satirical mind of acclaimed author George Orwell, is a harrowing fable of a fictional dystopia that critiques the socialist philosophy of Stalin in terms of his leadership of the Soviet Union. Tired of their servitude to man, a group of farm animals revolt and establish their own society, only to be betrayed into worse servitude by their leaders, the pigs, whose initial virtuous intentionsRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1538 Words  | 7 PagesMecca Animal Farm The Russian Revolution in 1917 shows how a desperate society can be turned into a military superpower filled with terror and chaos. George Orwell uses his book, Animal Farm, to parallel this period of time in history. This book is an allegory of fascism and communism and the negative outcomes. The animals begin with great unity, working toward a common goal. The government then becomes corrupted by the temptations of power. George Orwell uses the characters in Animal Farm to showRead MoreAnimal Farm by George Orwell1175 Words  | 5 PagesAn enthusiastic participant in the Spanish civil war in 1936, George Orwell had a great understanding of the political world and made his strong opinions known through his enlightening literary works, many of which are still read in our modern era. Inspired by the 1917 Russian Revolution and the failed society it resulted in, Animal Farm by George Orwell is an encapsulating tale that epitomises how a free utopian society so idealistic can never be accomplished. The novella exemplifies how influencesRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1089 Words  | 5 PagesIn George Orwell’s â€Å"Animal Farm†, the pigs as the farm leaders, use unknown language, invoke scare tactics and create specific laws, thereby enabling them to control other animals, to suit their greedy desires, and to perform actions outside their realm of power. Because of the pigs’ use of broad language, and the implementation of these tactics they are able to get away with avoiding laws, and are able to convince other animals into believing untrue stories that are beneficial to the pigs. The firstRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1212 Words  | 5 PagesShe stood there over the dead animals thinking to herself what have we come to? We try to become free but we just enslave ourselves to a so called superior kind. Napoleon killed the animals in front of the whole farm and said that this was to be the punishment for the traitors. Snowball was known as a traitor now and anyone conspiring with him would be killed. Snowball and Napoleon both represent historical characters during the Russian revolution in 1917.Snowball who was one of the smartest pigs
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Financial Analysis - 2143 Words
Task: 3 A. Prepare a summary report in which you do the following: A1. Recommend a capital structure approach that maximizes shareholder return. Capital Structure: â€Å"Capital structure is the manner in which a firm’s assets are financed; that is, the right-hand side of the balance sheet. Capital structure is normally expressed as the percentage of each type of capital used by the firm debt, preferred stock, and common equity.†(Capital Structure Decision, 2002) Capital structure is a mix of debt, preferred stock, and common stock to which Competitive Bikes will plan to finance its company. The recommendation for Competition Bikes pertaining to their capital structure is the alternative of 50% Preferred and 50% Common Stock. With†¦show more content†¦It is compounded annual rate of return that the company will earn if it invests in the project and receives the given cash inflows.†(Gitman, 2008) Criteria for IRR: Ø If the IRR is greater than cost of capital, accept the project Ø If the IRR is less than cost of capital, reject the project Scenario one (low demand): 1. Total investment in the capital structure is $600,000 2. Depreciation based on 10 year life Building is expected to have $250,000 value at the end of ten years 3. Sales projections: Year 9 – 500 CarbonLite models Year 10 Year 11 – 1% growth year over year Year 12 and Year 13 – 2% growth year over year Cost of goods sold will increase proportionately 4. Selling and administrative anticipated expenses for Canadian operations: Year 9 : $250,000 Year 10 : $240,000 Year 11 : $230,000 Year 12 : $220,000 Year 15 : $210,000 Stabilization after year 5. 5. Competition Bikes requires a 10% hurdle rate to purse a capital investment. Based on NPV: I recommend declining this project of low demand with the NPV as a negative and according to the recommended criteria. My concern with scenario one is the NPV (net present value) after five year has a negative amount of - $39,281. With the slow growth of 1% in year 10 and year 11 and then increased by only 2% growth the last two years, has proven that these sales are not aggressive enough to helpShow MoreRelatedFinancial Statement Analysis : Financial Analysis1558 Words  | 7 Pagesyou hear the phase financial statement analysis, one wonders what is stands for. financial statement analysis is one of the most important part of any company to be successful. The reason companies rely on financial statements is for the company to come profitable even if the company is small or large. When companies use financial statement, it helps them to see if they are being profitable, by being used in different areas and reviewed by different departments. Chief Financial Officer an d other executivesRead MoreFinancial Statement Analysis : Financial Analysis759 Words  | 4 PagesWoolworth Financial Analysis Financial statement analysis assists a business entity, business shareholders and other people interested, to analyze the figures in financial statements to present them with superior information about such most important factors for decision making and ultimate business survival. As exemplified by Gibson (2001), income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements project the financial performance a company at the present and probably the future. According to theRead MoreFinancial Analysis1076 Words  | 5 PagesCango Financial CanGo Financial Analysis Report The success of a business depends on its ability to remain profitable over the long term, while being able to pay all its financial obligations and earning above average returns for its shareholders. 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INTRODUCTIONRead MoreFinancial Analysis of Lee College1527 Words  | 7 PagesFinancial Analysis of Lee College Not-for-profit organizations are required to produce financial statements that provide information about their financial position and performance. Lee College is a private, not-for-profit college that prepares its financial statements in accordance to the accounting standards of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO). I will prepare a Statement of Activities, a Statement of Unrestricted Revenues, Expenses, and Other ChangesRead MoreFinancial Analysis2455 Words  | 10 PagesContents Executive Summary 3 Issues: 4 Recommendations: 4 Value of synergies and intrinsic value per share of Antarctica 5 Form of payment; Cash or common stock? 5 Share-for-share transaction 7 Term sheet and its components 8 Economic Analysis 8 Recommendation 9 Executive Summary In 1999, the CEO of Companhia Cervejaria Brahama (largest brewer in Brazil) was considering the bit for Antarctica (second largest brewer in Brazil). The purpose for this merger was to exploit the potentialRead MoreFinancial Analysis : Financial Information970 Words  | 4 PagesFinancial ratios make it easier for quantitative analysis, where financial information is analysed by investors, as the numerous numbers contained in a company financial statement can leave them confounded. 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Financial ratios could be classified into five types: profitability, liquidity, financial leverage, asset turnover, and dividend policy ratios (PaulineRead MoreFinancial Analysis4661 Words  | 19 PagesFinal Project – Financial Analysis Beatrice Valdez, MBA Student Capella University MBA 6016 Finance and Value Creation [ May 16, 2012 ] Michael Blagg, Professor Table of Contents Executive Summary | | 3 | Historical Financial Statement Analysis: Financial Ratios | | 3-4 | Balance Sheet | | 4-6 | Income Statement | | 6 | Statement of Cash Flows | | 6 | Pro-Forma Financial Statements | | 7 | Balance Sheet Pro-Forma | | 7-8 | Income Statement Pro-Forma | | 9 | CashRead MoreFinancial Ratio Analysis : Financial Ratios Analysis1634 Words  | 7 Pages UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON CLEAR-LAKE HADM 5233: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT II ASSIGNMENT: FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS UHCL Honesty Code â€Å"I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty.†Uday Sekhar Reddy Mareddy
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gun Control or People Control - 713 Words
Mark Ortiz 9.2 Persuasive essay final draft Gun control or people control? Society should be against a gun ban because people should be able to protect themselves. Why should honest, law-abiding citizens lose their rights and freedoms because there are people who violate laws? The failure to obey laws is here to stay. What we have to do is deal with those people on a separate basis, not take away the things they disobey the law with. A gun ban will only keep the good guys from obtaining firearms. Bad guys will always have ways of getting weapons. New gun laws will not do much in stopping them. A gun is an inanimate object. It is a tool, just like a baseball bat, a knife, screwdriver, or hammer. Any of these are as dangerous as a gun;†¦show more content†¦Sources: pages 22 amp; 24 MoreRelatedGun Control And The American People1236 Words  | 5 PagesGun Control and the American People: Should Gun Control Measures Be Stricter? There have been many highly publicized gun-related incidents, such as the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, that have renewed that call for even stricter gun control measures for both politicians and members of the media. The push for greater controls on firearms is bad policy with regards to the protection of our rights as U.S. citizens, our safety from those mean us harm, and the maintenance of an importantRead MoreGun Control: Not Fair to the People Trying to Protect Themselves901 Words  | 4 Pagesthat all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed. Thomas Jefferson said this quote almost 200 years ago and to this day it still applies. The right to bear arms was such a priority to the founding fathers of this country that it received the second spot on the list of the basic rights of all Americans. This right is in the process of being restricted in order to supposedly reduce crime and homicide. These gun con trol laws should not be permitted becauseRead MoreA Lot Of People See Gun Control In Every Way, Shape And1801 Words  | 8 PagesA lot of people see gun control in every way, shape and form as taking a bit of our freedom away. Others do not have an issue with gun control. Gun control is an issue of safety, education, race, and politics. Most gun owning Americans believe that just because certain people do not know how to use their freedom of having control over their own guns does not mean everyone else should have their freedom of gun control and ownership taken away by liberal politicians, most who have not even owned orRead MorePros And Cons Of Gun Control1511 Words  | 7 PagesGun control is a policy that the government limits the keeping and using of guns by citizens. According to Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act Of 1968, the Gun Control Act is designed to provide support to Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials in their fight against crime and violence. (Journal of Legal Studies). Firearm is an epochal invention. But unfortunately, no matter in the past or now, guns and firearms are often misused. Therefore, gun control policy exists. InRead MoreThe Processing Of Possessing A Gun1383 Words  | 6 Pagesprocessing of possessing a gun is pretty easy and it goes by the steps. Processing depends on state because each state has different ways of possessing gun. At first, Many states require a few days to pass between the time a person purchases a gun and the time when they can take possession of the gun. A background check of criminal records is mandatory in some states before one can assume ownership of a gun. Gun permit is required to own a gun or use a firearm, more likely, people are required a permitRead MoreThe Crime Rates Of Murder And Suicide1018 Words  | 5 PagesStamper Class: GE102 Date: November 18, 2015 â€Å"Gun Control in America†The crime rates of murder and suicide is increasing due to guns being handled by different people in our society. Should the American government enforce new gun control laws in our country? This topic matters because gun control will make the country a safer place to live in. However, some people believe that gun control will take over citizen’s rights and isn’t a great idea. Gun control should be enforced by the government becauseRead Moregun control research essay1222 Words  | 5 Pages recently featured an article that studied gun control. â€Å"Stricter state gun laws associated with fewer gun deaths, study finds.†The article discussed gun control laws in states with stricter laws tend to have lower rates of gun related homicides, and a suicide (ProCon para. 1) Gun control in the United States is becoming a wide spread issue and is becoming a problem everywhere. Although I am living in a city with uprising crime that has been skyrocketing over the years, I wasn’t awareRead MoreGun Control Is A Top Reason For Owning Guns998 Words  | 4 Pages People have used guns as deadly weapons in battle since the first gun was created. As more and more innocent people have died as the result of unstable people owning guns, the debate about gun control has gained more importance. According to a 2014 Pew Foundation report, 79% of male gun owners, 80% of female gun owners, and 64% of people whose family members have guns, they feel safer owning a gun. Do people really need gun control? In my perspective, there are several critical reasons why gun controlRead MoreHist 102 individual essay 1888 Words  | 4 PagesDate: Gun Control Abstract The issue of gun control laws has raised debates on whether gun control is good or bad. To answer this question, it is important to look at evidence supporting a certain stand. This manuscript seeks to investigate the issue of gun control. Specifically, the article endeavors to present pro-gun control arguments as well as the opposing views. In Support of Gun Control According to polls conducted soon after the shooting in Newtown, the support for gun control rose steadilyRead MoreEssay about Gun Control Will Not Reduce Crime1076 Words  | 5 Pagesimplementation of gun control in the United states is a large problem as it will take away the 2nd Amendment rights and would also stop the ability of law abiding citizens to protect themselves from criminals who obtain guns illegally. The right to bear arms is promised to citizens of the United States, and to put gun control into effect is to take away their Constitutional rights. Crime is very high in cities that have few gun control laws. However, the problem will not be solved by taking guns away from
Fundamentals of Business System Development Free Essays
string(93) " suppliers and technicians to guarantee that the renovations will not exceed the set budget\." Fundamentals of Business Systems Development Human Resource Refigure ration Theron A. Wilson December 12, 2007 University of Phoenix BSA/375 Chloris Wright Riordan Manufacturers are looking for the redesigning of their Human Resource department. This will involve the transferring of their legacy system into a more advance human resource networking system. We will write a custom essay sample on Fundamentals of Business System Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company is asking for a proposal that will describe the techniques that will be used in order to gather the information that will be needed for the transformation. Also, the proposal will give a detail analysis that will be included in the design methods that will be involve in the configuration of the new system. Within the proposal, there will be a listing of the key factors that reinsure the organization that the information that was obtained was gathered successful. And as the conclusion, an explanation of the scope and feasibility of the project will be exhibited. The process will be implemented a collaboration of phases within the systems development life cycle. The initial process begins with the developing a team that will be design to handle any situation that may come during the course of the project. This part of the process is prudent in order to accomplish the goal of the project; in which is the successfully redesigning the H R department of Riordan. Therefore, with the collaborated efforts of the team and Riordan’s I. T. department, the process will be implemented in a collaboration of phases that is established by the systems development life cycle. The beginning of the cycle involves the planning phase. Defining the problem will be the first agenda that will be address in the proposal. Riordan’s Human Resource department is the problem domain. It is currently composed of independently-filed paperwork that is maintained by each managerial personnel. Managers are also responsible for the tracking of FMLA absences. A change to any employees’ information is submitted onto special forms by the employee’s manager and process by the payroll clerk. Training and developmental files are established on an Excel spreadsheet and is maintained by the training and development specialist. Records about the workers’ compensation are maintained by an independent contractor. Each recruiter maintains applicant information for open positions. Resumes are filed in a central storage area, and an Excel spreadsheet is used to track the status of applicants. The compensation manager keeps an Excel spreadsheet with the results of job analyses, salary surveys and individual compensation decisions. Employee relations specialists track information about complaints, grievances, harassment complaints, etc. in locked files in their offices. The problem that exists within the human resource department is the absence of an automated networking system. Second, there is not limitation set on those who should be included in dealing with these confidential files. Next, there is not a centralized hub established that can maintain all of the records that need to be kept about the employees for Riordan. Third, the contracting of a third party provider to maintain confidential records of each individual that work for the Riordan Manufacturers is probably is not the best alternative to maintaining the security of the individuals’ information within the organization. The production of a project schedule will be the produced to document the design of the project; the guidelines that they will follow; and the timeline that will be executed in order to meet their goals. The project will begin with the evaluation of Riordan’s I. T. department. This information is required to gain information about the company’s computer and database system in order to see that system can use or handle the upgrades that will be necessary in order to update the H R department. In order to establish this goal, the staff will be used to gain information in order to guarantee the successfulness of the project. Information will be gathered by way of completing questionnaires that will be given to users of the system. Once the questionnaires have been evaluated, the team will proceed with determining what will be needed with the H R department. Once this part of the plan has been executed, the team will developed a proposal to present to Riordan Manufacturing. Once the previous steps has been initiated, there would be a meeting with the corporation is in order to determine the budget for the needed recommendations as well as to determine the length of time the corporation is requiring for the team to be able to finish the proposed upgrades. This is crucial because this will determine the set budget that the team will be obligated to use during the transformation; in which the proposed budget for this operation is set at $150,000. The proposed time will set at three months. The next step is the documenting of the project plan at this stage of project development will help team members adhere to the established strategy, schedule, budget, and definition of quality during the course of a project. The records will reflect the project overview. Within the project overview, there will be a detail description of the project scope and technical information. Then the team will record the project’s strategy, schedule, budget, quality definition, and compile the information into a management plan that will be distribute amongst the team member. Once the previous stages of the cycle have been met, the team will decide if the scope of the project, and in conjunction with the set innovation budget established by Riordan, is feasible to achieve the renovations that are required for the H R department. The team has established that need for the renovation is relevant for Riordan Manufacturing. Second, the team have established that the proposed renovations will is definite a need for the Riordan. A simulation of the proposed system is suggested to be carried out to predict the outcome before the actual project starts. Now the team will develop a written quotation that will acknowledge the quotes from the suppliers and technicians to guarantee that the renovations will not exceed the set budget. You read "Fundamentals of Business System Development" in category "Papers" Once these conditions have been met, the team will instruct the manufacturer that the conditions have been met and set a date of which the operation will begin. To begin the next phase, the team will design an architectural design to establish the layout of the proposed plan. This process will give a detailed description of how the H’s activities will be performed. The system analyst will also include a description of the information system’s architecture in accordance of the data, processes, interfaces and network within his or her report. The system analyst’s primary goal is to eliminate HR’s processes that is comprise mostly of paper forms or electronic files that scattered throughout different departments that do not link together. The goal is to put in place a fully automated HRIS that achieves improvement in the accuracy and currency of data. Also, the system will allow the tracking of individuals that are moving throughout the Riordan’s system. Furthermore, the system will be able to quickly aggregate, analyze, and use data in more of a real-time transaction. It will be able to give projections of potential needs of the workforce; while decreasing the labor requirement that is currently employed within the HR department. The system analyst’s plan is to design the HRIS system using a distributed architecture. This particular architecture is design with the amenities that are required to develop a more centralized H department. The H central location will be at the corporate office. The corporate will be the site of the centralized mainframe computer that is server-based. This will allow user to access date concurrently within a secured environment. Data will be store on a centrally-based database unit. The database unit will allow easier updates, searching and analysis of information collected within the system. Another characteristic of the new system will include web-accessibility. Web-accessibility will allow the interactions amongst the Riordan’s HRIS system to be access by way of the Internet. This will eliminate the installation of client applications to each users’ individual desktop; and at the same time, reduces the time that is involve in deployment and training requirements. This procedure will allow immediate accessibility for anyone with an Internet or LAN connection. The new system will allow scalability and extensibility. A system of wireless devices will be installed in each location. This will allow the H department to network with the other facilities; hence, developing a LAN. Once this procedure has taken place, a Wan will be developing to connect all of the facilities to the corporate location. Any user or outside entities will have access to information through the Internet. An intranet will be established for those that are employees of Riordan. Password-protected login logarithms will be put in place for security stability. There also will be role-based accounts set up to prevent non-authorized staff from the viewing of confidential data that only should be access by upper management positions. The new system design will provide HRIS with total automation; thus, providing a standardization of all manual processes. The upgrades will be performed on the current network at all three facilities, chronologically, to ensure implementation of the system is accomplished without any issue. Now the design of the new H R department has been established, the team will now begin the project. Riordan has approved the proposed plans and now it is time to begin the implementation phase of the project. During this process, the team will be implementing the proposed plan using a strict process that will allow them to be aware of any problems that they may face while executing the plan. The process will take an approximately 6 months, allowing the team to deal with the formalities of the process and the geographical areas that the team. This process involves six points of implementation: (1) coding, (2) testing, (3) installation, (4) documentation, (5) training, and (6) support. The application that is being installed will allow the H R department to communicate by way of the Internet or Intranet. The team will begin at the corporate office first. The team with the collaborated efforts of Riordan’s I. T. department, with begin initializing the new applications to one of the servers. This will allow the team and the I. T. department to analyze the performance of the new application within the system. Once the application has been tested, the team will direct the technicians to proceed onto the remaining servers. This process will be documented to assure that it was successful. Afterwards, the process of re figuring each of the desktops will be initiated. During this process, the team will be programming the computers to accept the new that was installed in the servers. A build and smoke test will be use by the programmers to eliminate any errors within the application. Once the programmers have acknowledged that the process has been tested and documented with no errors, then they will proceed onto the installation process. The installation process will involve installing wireless devices among their Ethernet connections. There are two benefits for the installation of these equipments. First, the Riordan organization will be establishing a WAN amongst their companies in America as well as Japan. Second, the processes of the H R department could be executed through the company’s Intranet cite. This process involves connecting the wireless bridge to where the current modem now resides. Afterwards, each computer will be program to accept the new signaling that will be established with the installation of the wireless devices. Once the previous process has been established, the team will finally begin the process of transferring of the legacy files onto the new system. The team will outsource this project. The outsourced team only job will be to gather all of the paper files and old data that was store in the server and apply them to the new application. This procedure will be somewhat timely, but will not exceed the budget. While trying to achieve the expectations of an utomated H R department, the team will initiate a parallel operation. The team will is using this process to eliminate the risk of system failure and losing all the data that was inputted by the outsourced team. This process will last about two weeks to give the team to analyze and rectify any situation that may happen. The team will now begin to document the response of the new system. If the previ ous process goes according to plan, then the team will begin the training process. The team will train all the users of the new system, as well as some of the I. T. professionals that work for Riordan’s corporate office. The training process will take approximately two weeks. The ultimate goal of the training is to allow the users to understand the new system. The employees will be trained on different areas such as setting their login logarithms, as well as the navigation of the website. These training will also be documented. The team with create a support staff for that will be trained for quick response time. The support staff will also be able to initialize performance tests. The staff will be on-call and also can be reached by way of email. Also users can fill out change request and error reports to the support staff. These requests will be evaluated and performed in a sense of urgency manner. Their will be quality assurance personnel embedded within the organization to assure the quality of the new system. The team will place an on-site technical support person to handle situations that may occur with the operation of the new system. Reference Kelly Ph. D. , John C. (2001). A comparison of Four Design Methods. Department of Computer Science, Furman University. Retrieved November 25, 2007 from www. furman. edu/computerscience. University of Phoenix. (Ed. ). (2004). Creating Satisfy Customers [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. American Marketing Association. Retrieved November 25, 2007 from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/resource/resource. asp. University of Phoenix. (Ed. ). (2005). Project Planning and Feasibility Analysis [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. AllenWeb. Retrieved November 25, 2007 from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/resource/resource. asp. University of Phoenix. (Ed. ). (1990). Qualitative Educating and Research Methods [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. Sage. Retrieved November 25, 2007 from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/resource/resource. asp. Human Resource Configuration How to cite Fundamentals of Business System Development, Papers
Immigration and Discrimination in the 1920s Essay Example For Students
Immigration and Discrimination in the 1920s Essay Beginning in the early nineteenth century there were massive waves of immigration. These new immigants were largely from Italy, Russia, and Ireland. There was a mixed reaction to these incomming foreigners. While they provided industries with a cheap source of labor, Americans were both afraid of, and hostile towards these new groups. They differed from the typical American in language, customs, and religion. Many individuals and industries alike played upon Americas fears of immigration to further their own goals. Leuchtenburg follows this common theme from the beginning of World War I up untill the election of 1928. If there was one man who singlely used Americas fear of immigrants to advance his own political goals it was Attorney General Palmer. The rise of Communism in Russia created a fear of its spread across Europe, and to America. Palmer tied this fear to that of immigration. He denounced labor unions, the Socialist party, and the Communist party in America, as being infultrated with radicals who sought to overturn Americas political, economic, and social institutions. Palmer exasperated this fear in Americans and then presented himself as the countrys savior, combatting the evils of Communism. He mainly centered his attack on Russian immigrants. During the infamous Palmer raids thousands of aliens were deported and even more were arrested on little or no evidence. Their civil liberties were violated, they were not told the reasons for their arrests, denied counsel, and not given fair trials. What followed was an investigation of Palmer led by Louis Post which overturned many of Palmers actions. Palmers cretability was shattered after in a last minute attempt to gain the 1920 presidencial nomination, he made predictions about a May Day radical uprising, the nation perpared itself, but on May 1st 1920 all was peaceful. While the raids had stopped, the hostilities towards immagrants still remained prevelent. Immigrants were used by organized industries as a source of cheap labor. But as labor unions began to form and push for better pay, shorter hours, and improved working conditions industries saw that it was not as easy to exploit these immigrants as it had been before. Like Palmer, they tied the Americans hostilities towards immigrants to the newly emerging fear of radicalism. When workers struck, industry leaders turned public opinion agains them by labling the strikes as attemps at radical uprising. As a result, workers were often left with no other choice than to accept the terms of industry management. The fight for prohabition was aided by Americas antagonism for immigrants. Protestants and old-stock Americans attempted to link alchol with Catholic-Irish and Italian immigrants. They were viewed as immoral and corrupt for their vice. Prohabition was a means of counterattacking the evils of the urban cities and their immigrant dwellers. In addition, the rise of the KKK was a direct result of the hostilities harbored towards the immigrant population. Started by native born, white, Protestants, the KKK was afraid of the encroachment of foreigners, expecially those who answered to a foreign Pope as their religious authority. Playing upon these fears, the KKK gained support and was its members were able to politically control parts of Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and much of Indiana.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Mergers And Acquisitions Of Nestle Accounting Essay Example For Students
Mergers And Acquisitions Of Nestle Accounting Essay Nestle is a level administration with few degrees of direction and span of control. It was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle at VeVey ( Switzerland ) . Currently Nestle` is one of the universes largest Nutrition, wellness and health company around the Globe and committed to supply the best Nutritional nutrient merchandises. Furthermore, presently Nestle has 456 mills in 83 different states and its merchandises are sold more than 140 states in the universe. In order to guarantee company long term sustainable growing, Company invariably reviews its merchandise portfolio and focuses on its attempts. Besides better understand the demand of client, nestle proctor consumer panels by carry oning research. Consequencely, success of Nestle is a contemplation of clear define duties, contemplation of professionalism, responsible attitude of direction, good defined aim every bit good as important planetary leading place Outline1 Nestle Trade names:2 . NESTLE INTERNATIONAL OPERATION3 hypertext transfer protocol: // Key Dates MERGERS A ; ACQUISITIONS5 Joint VENTURES6 Key Dates7 Nestle Corporate Administration8 Board of Directors ( Board )9 Role of the Board and its Committees10 Assignments of Duties and power11 .12 The Chairman and Corporate Governance Committee ( CCGC )13 The Compensation Committee ( CC )14 The Nomination Committee ( NC )15 The Audit Committee ( AC )16 Chairman of the Board17 The Chief executive officer18 The frailty Chairmen19 Code of Business Conduct20 STRATEGIC APPROCHES FOR REDUCE POLITICAL, OPERATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE VULNERABILITIES ( )21 Nestle Group gross revenues, profitableness and fiscal place22 hypertext transfer protocol: // Nestle Recent News24 Nestle portion purchase back Programme.25 .26 Appendixs27 Appendix No 1:28 Appendix 2 ( News )2 9 15-04-2010 Nestle Annual General Meeting30 02-Mar-2010 Nestle to get Kraft Foods frozen pizza concern31 Mar-2010 Nestle Bets on Mexican Coffee32 04-Jan-2010 Nestle to sell staying Alcon portions to Novartis33 Gross saless and EBIT Margin by Products. Nestle Trade names: The Nestle trade name portfolio such as milk and dairy merchandises, nutrition s, weight direction, public presentation and health care, breakfast cereals, ice pick, java and culinary merchandises ( prepared dishes, cooking AIDSs, sauces ) pet attention, bottled H2O etc. practically cover all nutrient and drink classs. Many of them have leading both locally and globally market and existed for several old ages, for case S.Pellegrino the mineral H2O from Italy and Nestle Moca in Brazil, are over 100 old ages old. The best-known planetary trade names include Nescafe , Nestea, Maggi, Buitoni, Purina and Nestle itself other trade names besides sell in many states for case Milo, Nespresso, Nesquik, Kit Kat, Smarties, Polo, Friskies, Perrier and Vittel. It is considered that entire figure of trade names including local and international ranges into several 1000s. . NESTLE INTERNATIONAL OPERATION hypertext transfer protocol: // Key Dates MERGERS A ; ACQUISITIONS 1866 Company Founded 1905 Nestle Merger with Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company 1929 Nestle Merger with Peter, Cailler, and Kohler Chocolates Suisse s S.A. 1947 Nestle Merger with Alimentana S.A. ( Maggi ) 1971 Nestle Merge with Merger with Ursina-Franck1974LOreal ( equity involvement ) 1977 Nestle Acquire Alcon ( 2002: partial IPO ) 1985 Nestle Acquire Carnation 1988 Nestle Acquire Buitoni-Perugina 1988 Nestle Acquire Rowntree 1992 Nestle Acquire Perrier 1998 Nestle Acquire San Pellegrino and Spillers Pet nutrients 2000 Nestle Acquire Power Bar 2001 Nestle Acquire Ralston Purina 2002 Nestle Acquire Scholler and Chef America 2003 Nestle Acquire of Movenpick, Powwow and Dreyer s 2004 Nestle Acquire Valio ( ice pick ) 2005 Nestle Acquire Wagner, Proteika, Musashi 2007 A Novartis Medical Nutrition, Gerber and Henniez 2009 A Vitality Beverage concern 2010 A Nestle Acquire Kraft Pizza Joint VENTURES Key Dates 1974 LOreal 1981 Galderma ( joint venture with LOreal ) 1990 Nestle Joint Venture with General Mills ( Cereal Partners universe broad ) 1991 Nestle Joint Venture with Coca Cola ( once CCNR ) Beverage Partners Worldwide 2002 Nestle Joint Venture with Fonterra ( Dairy Partners Americas ) Nestle Corporate Administration The companies administration organic structures are Board of Directors ( Board ) Chairman and Corporate Governance Committee ( CCGC ) Compensation Committee ( CC ) Nomination commission ( NC ) Audit Committee ( AC ) Chairman of the Board Chief Executives Officer ( CEO ) Executive Board ( EB ) Board of Directors ( Board ) Harmonizing to the company Article of Associations 2009 Article 14 A ; 15 Number of Directors and Term of office The Board of Directors shall dwell of at least seven members besides board shall be elected for a three old ages by the General Meeting. Furthermore each twelvemonth board renewed by rotary motion besides board will set up new order of rotary motion in the instance of addition or lessening of board of manager. The board Members are: Chairman Two Voice Presidents Chief Executive officer ( CEO ) Members of the Committee Role of the Board and its Committees Assignments of Duties and power Harmonizing to the company Article of Associations NO 16, 2009.define board is responsible for the choice of president and voice presidents besides define board ordinance and its assignment of duties. Furthermore Harmonizing to the company Article of Associations 2009 ( No17 A ; 18 ) , article defines the general power of board such as board can carry on concern to the extent that is non within the board ordinance or general meeting. Furthermore board is responsible for Management and supervising of the concern The assignment and remotion of the president and Voice presidents The assignment and remotion of commission members The assignment of CEO and members of Executive board ( EU ) Preparation of Management study besides readying of General Meetings including docket and proposal. The company long term Strategy Fiscal operation Establish or close subdivision office . The Chairman and Corporate Governance Committee ( CCGC ) This commission consists of Chairmen, Two voice presidents, Chief executive officer and elective member of the board. Furthermore, commission liaises between board and president. The board approved power and responsibilities for ( CCGC ) and peculiarly ( CCGC ) acts as a consoler and work out the direction issue between president and main executive officer. The Hot Zone Essay QuestionsNestle portion purchase back Programme. Nestle boards of Directors Continues to believe that important portion purchase back Programme should assist to drive the public presentation of nutrient and drink concern and heighten the stockholder value, Therefore Nestle Board has announced portion purchase back Programme on 15 August 2007 for over the following three twelvemonth topic to market conditions. The aim of this Programme was to better capital efficiency and future chances of nutrient and drink concern. The Programme has been divided into two stairss such as one of CHF 15 billion and one of CHF 10 billion. Furthermore, due to acquisition of Novartis medical nutrition and Gerber has created a critical Mass in Nutrition gross revenues approx CHF 10 Billion. On the contrary the entire value of repurchased portion from August 2007 to December 2009 is CHF20.1 As a effect, in 2009 the group has brought back CHF 7 billion which is equal worth of its ain portions and the staying CHF 5 billion in portion will convey back in the class of 2010. After completation of this Programme further group will establish a new CHF 10 billon portion back Programme with purpose to purchase extra CHF 5 billion portion before the terminal of the twelvemonth. . Nestle and Greenpeace Greenpeace administration has started a run against Nestle over its purchase of palm oil by an Indonesian company called Sinar Mas.A Greenpeace claims Sinar Mas acquiring the thenar oil by destructing the rain forest and usage in it for confect bars and other merchandises. It is estimated of rain forests contributes about 20 % of nurseries gases besides support conveyance sector. Therefore the inordinate usage of bio-fuels is a serious factor and deforestation of rain forests is one of the serious environmental issues on a planetary degree. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) On contrast nestle president 000 explain Nestle is opposed to deforestation of rain forests in all over the universe.Company will take part in the alliance of palm oil. Company has taken the undermentioned measure sing palm oil issue: Company has stopped all purchase of palm oil from the Sinar Mas Company. Company past purchase was limited to providing our mills in Indonesia, Now Company identified alternate providers from whom company purchase thenar oil Company made it clear in composing to providers of blended thenar oil, Now company is an active members of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, Company pledged to beginning certified sustainable thenar oil by 2015, conflict over the counter Appendixs Appendix No 1: Appendix 2 ( News ) 15-04-2010 Nestle Annual General Meeting 15-april-2010 Annual General Meeting held in VeVey ( Switzerland ) , 2640 stockholders have attended the meeting. The chief points of meetings Meeting has approved the one-year studies and histories. Share holder farther approved the proposed dividend addition to CHF 1.60 per portion. Re-elected board members, for three twelvemonth ) Messrs. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Steven G. Hoch Andre Kudelski Mr. Jean-Rene Fourtou, ( due to the age bound set out in the Board ) New Elected Board ( members for three twelvemonth ) Ms Titia de Lange Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth Furthermore, president point out that Nestle is working s towards to stop deforestation of rain forests. 02-Mar-2010 Nestle to get Kraft Foods frozen pizza concern Nestle has showed the agree cape to acquired Kraft nutrient frozen concern in the US and Canada on 05-January, 2010 for USD 3.7 billion in hard currency, the ground for this acquisition is that US is the largest pizza market in the universe about 37 billion USD and concern includes trade names California Pizza, DiGiorno, Tombstone, Jack s and Delissio, hence this acquisition will supply a strong strategic pillar in the US and Canada where the company already established a leading in dishes and manus held merchandises such as Lean Cuisine, Buitoni, Lean Pockets, Stouffer s and Hot Pockets Consequently on 01 March 2010 after completion of shutting conditions Nestle has concluded the acquisition of Kraft Foods frozen pizza Harmonizing to Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestle This acquisition conveying together a choice of great US and Canadian trade names and besides enhances Nestle s frozen nutrient activities in North America where Nestle merely had a minor presence until no Mar-2010 Nestle Bets on Mexican Coffee Nestle has announced programs to put ( US $ 390mn ) in Mexican production and substructure installations. The investing will be directed Nescafe instant java processing works to spread out the capacity by 40 % which will do it the universe s largest java processing works, due to low production cost and huge web of trade Nestle is be aftering to construct Mexico as a regional export hub 05-Jan-2010Nestle clears planetary R A ; D Centre to develop new coevals of biscuits On 05-Jan-2010 Nestle has open a Global R A ; D Center in Santiago de Chile. The New R A ; D Center will assist to cut down the sugar and fat degree in biscuits besides it will include bioactive ingredients and more igniter without compromising the biscuit quality to better wellness quality 05-Jan-2010 Nestle opens planetary R A ; D Centre to develop new coevals of biscuits On 05-Jan-2010 Nestle has open a Global R A ; D Center in Santiago de Chile. The New R A ; D Center will assist to cut down the sugar and fat degree in biscuits besides it will include bioactive ingredients and more igniter without compromising the biscuit quality to better wellness quality 04-Jan-2010 Nestle to sell staying Alcon portions to Novartis 04 Jan 2010 Nestle S.A. has reassign the Alcon staying 156,076,263 portions stand foring about 52 % of the company s issued and outstanding portion to Novartis, conformity with the contract agreed on 6 April 2008.Moreover, the ground for transportation the control are bit by bit based on three issues for case, the divestment of Alcon the initial IPO of 23.25 % in 2002, the sale of 24.8 % in 2008 and the exercising of the call option by Novartis. Alcon was acquired by Nestle in 1977 for USD 280 million Appendix 3 Sale prognosis Sale and EBIT Margin by runing sections Gross saless and EBIT Margin by Products.
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