Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How Basketball Is The Respected Sport It Is Today
Bas ·ket ·ball /ˈbaskÉ™tËÅ'bà ´l/ is a game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed above each end of the court. Also referring to the inflated ball used in the game of basketball (dict 1). Basketball is one of the world’s most widely played sports and has been in played for over a hundred years. This sport is played through organizations by schools, and credited clubs, as well as voluntarily in â€Å"pick-up games†. A â€Å"pick-up†game is a basketball game played outside at a local court or in a gym by the average person looking to exercise in an enjoyable and competitive way. This simple idea turned into an international phenomenon, which is easy to watch, and fun to play. My goal in this paper is to explain the history of how basketball came to be the respected sport it is today. To achieve this goal, I have organized my paper in three sections. Each section has a sub-section to tie the two ideas to one another. In the first section I describe the American known inventor of basketball. In this I describe his background of the creator of basketball. In the sub section of the first topic I discuss how he infused a childhood game to teach a physical education class and unknowingly creating basketball. Also some of the controversy that is discussed in many articles that question who is the absolute inventor of basketball. In the second section I discuss the tools he used for the first ever basketball game. As wellShow MoreRelatedHow Are Women Valued Today?1702 Words  | 7 PagesHow are women valued in sports? This paper will argue systems, oppression and power against women in sports and in society and will talk about the system of sports and the discrimination against women in society. It will include the question how are women valued in sports and how it p lays a big role in society today? In sports, women make less money than men. This has a great deal to do with race, gender, and ableism against women. Basketball is a sport where women make significantly less money thanRead MoreThe Best Candidate For The Pizza Hut1384 Words  | 6 PagesI truly believe that I am the best candidate for the Pizza Hut All-American Opportunity. After reading, the flyer that was posted in my classroom, I was strong intrigued by possibility of forming my competiveness of sports with Pizza Hut. The reason why I feel in love with Pizza Hut was because of the amazing crust I pick on my pizza. Any pizza company can make a pizza decent, but Pizza Hut takes time in the crust of amazingness. Personally, I am a fan of the pretzel crust pizza with the meat loverRead MoreFemale Athletes And Male Athletes1741 Words  | 7 Pagesathletes in modern sports. In today’s sports society, women athletes are still discriminated against based on lower salaries, l ess media coverage, and lack of opportunity. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Military Strength at Our Borders - 3237 Words
American Military University Miltary Strenght at our Borders A Research Paper Submitted to by Manassas, West Virginia Date Submitted 28 June, 2012 Military Strength at our Borders As todays military currently winds down from actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other lands where the current war on terror is being fought they face a downsizing that will return thousands home looking for new employment options. Every one of these individuals whether enlisted or part of the officer ranks have sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If not taking the fight to the terrorist in their own lands, what better place to protect the†¦show more content†¦One of the primary benefits of this program would be the information and resource sharing. Today’s military forces currently hold a level of operational experience not seen in decades. For over ten years our forces have been increasing their effectiveness in a multitude of security and reconstruction efforts. As the level of violence along the border increases the US Customs and Border Agents are face with a new kind of â€Å"enemy tactics†that can be perceived as middle ground between current border operations in Afghanistan and the historical security issues along the border. A melding of the military tactics used to train Afghani security force on the protection of their own border, historical US Customs and Border tactics and techniques along with effective rules of engagement can reduce violence and illegal cross border flows. An initial â€Å"cross training†between military tactics subject matter experts, military mission planning subject matter experts and operational Customs and Border Patrol agents can be much more efficient and effective than training a group of new agents. The ground tactics force is not the only aspect of this effort; their primary mission should be the security of the engineering and construction force and surveillance of the borders such similar to the efforts of Operation Jump Start (Greenhill. 2006 / pg25). The overall major focus of thisShow MoreRelatedThe United States And The 21st Century Essay1517 Words  | 7 PagesThe 21st Century has brought progress and challenges to the world; however, the United States remains the world’s leader in economic growth, technologic advancement, military strength and security, and the protection of human rights. After the 2008 economic recession that resulted in the economy shrinking by 8.2%, the United States saw an economic turnaround as it became the world’s leader in oil exports due to its shale oil revolution. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Music as Art. My Favorite Music Style. free essay sample
My favorite music style. Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence that are organized in time in a special way. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. In the historical context the development of music is inseparable from the active development of persons sensory abilities. Course of the auditory development of the man of the musical material in a changing cultural environment is the most fundamental part of the music history.The specificity of the music as a special aesthetic value is disclosed in the ratio of applied creativity and artistic purposes. Music is an art form that is designed for auditory perception. Its feature is direct and strong impact on the people. For instance, Leo Tolstoy said that musical art by its nature has a direct psychological effect on the nerves. We will write a custom essay sample on Music as Art. My Favorite Music Style. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In contrast to all the kinds of visual and verbal arts, music doesnt reproduce visible pictures of the world and is deprived of the semantic specificity. Thats why it can be considered a truly universal language which doesnt require translation.In comparison with the works of all kinds spatial arts musical creations are almost indestructible because it exists in perfect form but not in material. It cant be touched and forged, as it happens with paintings and sculptures, although it can be stolen, giving its authorship of someone elses work. Such art category as interpretation and performance play a great role in music. Masterly performed a musical work has more than one author if to take into account composer, performer (or performers) and the possibilities of the instruments. Music is divided into secular and spiritual.The main field of spiritual music is cultic. The development of the European musical theory of note writing and music pedagogy are associated with European cultic music (commonly called the church). According to performing assets music is divided into singing (singing), instrumental and vocal-instrumental. Music can be divided into genres, types and styles. The criteria for this division can be rhythm, tools, methods and other parameters. Basic genres are: folk music, spiritual music, classic music, Latin American music, blues, jazz, country music, chanson, electronic music, rock music, popular music, hip-hop, ask, reggae. My favorite style of music is Russian rock. It is rock music with the texts in the Russian language. The distinctive features of Russian rock are: non-profit nature, the impact of political changes in the society on the image and work of each rock group, deep meaning of texts. Russian rock was born in the USSR in the second half of the XX century under the influence of the world, first of all, the Western music. By the mid-sass in Moscow and Leningrad first beat group were formed that performed covers of international hits. Among the earliest groups were Falcon, Scythian, Isomorphic and Slavs.The most famous place of performance of rock groups of the sass in Moscow became the center  «Energetic », in which at one of the concerts the wrought-iron gate was broken and mounted police was called to restore order. In this period concert records was mainly spread, which copied as samizdat from one owner tape recorders to another. For rock music of that time, which required a drive, performance in the acoustic version was pointless. By the end of 1 sass beginning of sass a full-fledged rock movement was formed in the USSR, which started to organize themselves with the help of the authorities.To organize the roots movement, in 1981 , the Leningrad rock club was opened, the first rock-club in the USSR (under a supervision of the KGB). Due to the rock-club, the rock-group for the first time there appeared a possibility to record and to give concerts legally and the authorities keep rockers under the supervision. Russian rock went through a difficult period in 1983-85 years, when on the initiative of the Coherence in the amateur groups were suppressed, the organization of concerts without state monopoly had been legated to private enterprise and threatened to jail.During this period, the Moscow gr oups are particularly affected by from such measures, Resurrection, Bravo, Corrosion of Metals, the police stopped their shows, and Some of their members even visited detention. Only in 1 985 the opening of the Moscow Rock Laboratory was opened that allowed the capital groups to legalize their activities. And with the beginning of perestroika and glasnost in 1 985, the musicians got the opportunity to perform live. Nautilus Bumptious, Aquarium, Zoo and team C became popular.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Librarian Review Essay Example
The Librarian Review Paper Essay on The Librarian Like many took to read this book because of the Booker. Otherwise, it is unlikely to hit me in the arm. I read with the feeling that there is not rarely as clear, but to say that like it happened or power connection, emotional or intellectual pleasure or shock no. The book is written well and professionally, the language is good, from the philological point of view, to find fault difficult. Why the book is not like so much? Rejection appears to cause the contents. In my view, to understand the meaning of this novel can only be a person, even if a child catches the Soviet system. The youth of today, though, and carries the blood of their own Soviet their parents really feel nostalgic for the time unable to matter and perceives the content of both fiction and not as a figurative reality. Libraries, as a group of warring readers of the books of a Gromov, books, nonsensical content, but can be administered in different emotional state after reading them. These groups unsuited marginal, naive and violent, capable of self-sacrifice and accidents to the bone. They are deceived and forced to fight for any interests, which prove to be a struggle for power and influence of the leaders of these groups, libraries, their opaque arrangements and betrayals. The rank and file fighters libraries with their revolutionary and insane, senseless militant enthusiasm, that life has no meaning outside of these associations. Mokhov crazy old woman from a nursing home, which becomes for the main character Moirae fate. Jungian archetypal old women, the electorate in real life that sizzles in the youth back: They want to live well, not as we want what Evo! They actually choose us power. All this Soviet our lives, thats what we do not want to accept, reject Elizarova novel. We want to tell fantasy, nonsense, nonsense, lies, trash, just would not admit that its crazy reality of our existence. It is understandable why, instead of isolation and explaining the events of the author hands of c razy old women puts the main character in a dungeon from which there is no hope of escape. No physical liberty in our world, and only the adoption of this and understand that freedom can only be internal, hero reconciles with his position. Realizing its mission, he sits and pishet- is the only thing he can do in this world deprived of their liberty, it is his mission and his ministry in the name of unknown meaning of the universe. The Librarian Review Essay Example The Librarian Review Paper Essay on The Librarian Recently, I reflect on the following pattern: books, winning various literary prizes (in particular, this novel won the Russian Booker), do not get recognition from the general reader The Neanderthals, highbrow, cronyism and money Whats going on? Readers weight dropped to the Neanderthals? is completely divorced from the people Critics? We will write a custom essay sample on The Librarian Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Librarian Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Librarian Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Or, as they say insulted the authors and their fans premiums , everything is decided by cronyism and money Talk about it with different people -?. This is the place to be all put together, and so was at all times. Mass reader is always not very bestowed the book, which are then entered into the world classics. Critics and experts are always cooked to your saucepan. A pull money and no one has ever been canceled and will not call, because people want stability. So nothing new is happening, said one of them Who am I And I decided to define who I am.? If I think I like the one who wins the prize, it means that I do not hamadryad differently, having learned to read, but something a little more complicated. If we are not special, then at least a person with a strong taste. Got Librarian. I read, pozeval, ponasiloval himself has read. No, the taste I did not have. I have this book is not something that first gave, I would have it, probably at the reception stage still rejected. So, I hamadryad? Its a shame it became to recognize. Maybe it through connections or a grandmother, and I here omit yourself? I go into the question. I decided to read what others have written about it. For if through connections, the majority of specialists have to curse, and those that Grandma got to be a little bit, because less money than specialists, and all of them can not buy, and therefore those who have not received, write the truth. Specialists praise, almost all. It turns out, not for the grandmother. Dai, I think, poizuchat ratings. too bad standing in the rankings. I climbed up on the reader forums. If the book diverges so, it means that people have and simple, like me, write something. Yeah, odds, she won the award because, of course. The award it is always intriguing. Reviews conflicting someone praises, but most of the people spat at best perplexed. In short, I hit it again to the crowd, which did not like this novel. He even wanted to read it, understand what Im in it and did not understand what the depth of thought and what beauty is not appreciated. However, he could not, the taste is not enough, and thats it. Potoskoval I potoskoval and was forced to plead final gamadrily without any literary taste, and crashed my self-esteem lower than five cockroaches in the deepest basement Im a man of the crowd -. I, for the most part, like in modern literature all that everybody likes. Note that there is not a success, and that like. Success can be achieved technically, but love is not. It is love that gives the most reliable and long lasting success, which does not always happen at the start of a deafening, because they love quietly to myself. So what I mean? Do not provoked this book at I love her, in spite of the success with the spices and even a good sales in the masses, Ive also bought. Eh. What love the phenomenon would be enigmatic even a man of the crowd, as it does not explain the chemistry and advertising technologies. Even what may this book will go into the world classics and will live forever, and me with my opinions and dust does not remain, not shaken my heart.
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