Monday, December 16, 2019
Military Strength at Our Borders - 3237 Words
American Military University Miltary Strenght at our Borders A Research Paper Submitted to by Manassas, West Virginia Date Submitted 28 June, 2012 Military Strength at our Borders As todays military currently winds down from actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other lands where the current war on terror is being fought they face a downsizing that will return thousands home looking for new employment options. Every one of these individuals whether enlisted or part of the officer ranks have sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If not taking the fight to the terrorist in their own lands, what better place to protect the†¦show more content†¦One of the primary benefits of this program would be the information and resource sharing. Today’s military forces currently hold a level of operational experience not seen in decades. For over ten years our forces have been increasing their effectiveness in a multitude of security and reconstruction efforts. As the level of violence along the border increases the US Customs and Border Agents are face with a new kind of â€Å"enemy tactics†that can be perceived as middle ground between current border operations in Afghanistan and the historical security issues along the border. A melding of the military tactics used to train Afghani security force on the protection of their own border, historical US Customs and Border tactics and techniques along with effective rules of engagement can reduce violence and illegal cross border flows. An initial â€Å"cross training†between military tactics subject matter experts, military mission planning subject matter experts and operational Customs and Border Patrol agents can be much more efficient and effective than training a group of new agents. The ground tactics force is not the only aspect of this effort; their primary mission should be the security of the engineering and construction force and surveillance of the borders such similar to the efforts of Operation Jump Start (Greenhill. 2006 / pg25). The overall major focus of thisShow MoreRelatedThe United States And The 21st Century Essay1517 Words  | 7 PagesThe 21st Century has brought progress and challenges to the world; however, the United States remains the world’s leader in economic growth, technologic advancement, military strength and security, and the protection of human rights. After the 2008 economic recession that resulted in the economy shrinking by 8.2%, the United States saw an economic turnaround as it became the world’s leader in oil exports due to its shale oil revolution. 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